June Newsletter

Hello June-bugs

I have spent a lot of my life living in my shadow and getting lost in the darkness of myself. Rejecting parts of me only wished to be known. Not able to hold compassion for my hurting selves, and falling into the loops of degradation over and over again.

In my experience throughout this life, turning towards the light hasn’t been an easy journey. Yes I hold a light vibration that is strong, however I would easily get lost in the pain of my own judgments and projections. To truly know ourselves we have to be willing to explore the good and the so-called bad parts, or the parts of ourselves that we don’t necessarily like.

However, over the last couple of months I’ve noticed a significant shift where I’m naturally turning towards more light, and letting more light in. What I mean by that is, when the dark, scary parts of me arise – the me that isn’t good enough, fears that I can’t do something, or is caught in judgement of how much sugar I ate this week – I’m able to shine compassion, forgiveness and love on them, and keep it movin’. I am not at the place where I am operating in this way 100% of the time, but it is close – probably around 80-90%.

This has created a dramatic upgrade in my body as I am pulling parts of myself previously denied online. Meaning to the forefront of myself, no longer pushing the shame into the background, or avoiding the guilt. I have been reorganizing my energy system to turn into the wound when it appears rather then run from it.

When we run from our wounds we only validate their power to survive and thrive inside of us. When we go into them, talk to them, say hello, ask them what they need, we make friends with them, and soon they are no longer held in the vibration of fear within our bodies. Now this wound of fear is something I know and I have created consciousness around.

Nothing “bad” can exist within us that we give acceptance and love too. When we love our wounds they shift from a lower to a higher vibration and they no longer live as shame, they are now this new found part of us with the calibration of acceptance. So the wound literally no longer feels the same.

I am working on no longer denying these sacred parts of me, because I see that they hold great information to know myself, and when I know more of myself, I feel safe, confident, grounded, and free.

If you are interested in discussing how your energy is organized and would like assistance in shifting your shadow into light, contact me at lisa@lisalola.net

PS: I am holding a women’s workshop this weekend where we will discuss and practice ways to protect and upgrade your energy —— click here for more info!


Lisa <3

Upcoming & Reoccurring Events

Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga. Suggested Donation $5-10

Guided Meditation ~ Wednesday Evenings 730-8pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga.Suggested Donation $5-10. The weekly theme is posted on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Women’s Class: Mind + Body + Soul Connection. Interested in learning more about energy and how to connect your Mind, Body and Soul? Mark your calendar and join me for a class of feminine connection, community and creativity at Metanoia in Lee Summit on June 30th from 1030am-1230pm. For more info and to register, click here.

Guatemala Magic ~ Women’s Yoga & Healing Retreat: January 5 – 12, 2019. For retreat details and to sign up, visit this link.

May Newsletter

Hello Beloveds,

Today I want to talk about energy patterning. We all have default patterns of energy – how we move, create, respond, react, express, and decompress – in our lives, and we’re always going through some sort of initiation, whether we’re aware of it or not. There are always “things” going on behind the scenes.

We may be gearing up a new project, commencing an assignment, working through anxiety on one thing, and at the same time, a deeper layer of grief underneath all of that. Perhaps we’ve really been getting triggered by our boss or spouse lately, or we set intentions with the new moon to consolidate our finances, declutter our homes, or spend more time with family. Regardless of what the “things” are, we are constantly processing energy of various levels of intensity.

What I’ve noticed for myself is how certain ways of being I have, begin to develop patterns that support me, and some that don’t support me. Patterns that are “good” – drinking water with lemon upon rising every morning – and those that aren’t so “good” – stressing myself out to the point of adrenal fatigue from all the “stuff” I take on.

We can go to work, and work, and work on trying to manage all the “stuff” but really, that’s only addressing the symptoms, we end up right back where we started. Because that doesn’t address the “root” of what’s at play. It’s not the “things” that I take on and say yes to that is the problem, it’s my stressful response to them and the default system of “pressure” I have in place of processing them.

Through consistent energy healing on myself and working with clients in their energy systems, I have come to recognize that we all have a slightly unique way our energy is setup and organized, and at varying degrees of vibration.

For example, my energy system runs pretty fast. If I’m in balance, I’m an energetic, can-be-fiery individual whose energy moves quick through my head and my heart, which leads me to assimilating information quickly, (crown chakra) and carrying it in my heart (chakra).

I’m energetically very open, receptive, and adaptive, which makes me a prime candidate to process energy for others and hold the healing energy for spaces I inhabit. This is a gift and a curse. It makes me good at what I do in my energy healing sessions – I’m great at holding and understanding trauma, shame and guilt, it’s a joy for me to help guide others into themselves, and I can have true compassion and understanding for about everything under the sun. But because I’m so good at holding others, I can forget to hold myself and have often lost myself along the way in this life.

Don’t get me wrong, this is getting better and better every day. But I have to work at it. Be conscious that this is a pattern I have, develop the keen awareness it takes to tell when I’ve taken something on that’s not mine (someone’s else’s energy) practice the tools that keep me safe, and continue to integrate myself to hold more light. This strengthens my energy body and diminishes the chances of being affected by others toxicity or harsh environments.

All of this is such good information to know. Getting to know your energetic body is just as important as getting to know your physical body or any other body – imo –  because your energy body is the core of all your other bodies creation. Your energy body holds the physical part of you, the mental body, emotional body, heart space, and your etheric field.

When we begin to heal parts of our energy body, we make shifts in our vibration, and when our vibration raises, life get’s better all around. Everything else follows.

Does any of this sound familiar? If you are curious to know more about how your energy is organized, how it flows and where you get blocked, contact me for a session where we can discuss and evaluate your energetic makeup.

Until next time beloveds, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful May weather!


Lisa <3

Upcoming & Reoccurring Events

Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga. Suggested Donation $5-10

Guided Meditation ~ Wednesday Evenings 730-8pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga.Suggested Donation $5-10. The weekly theme is posted on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Chakra Yoga Class: June 2nd @ Sky Loft Yoga in Olathe. Join me and Yoga Instructor Jaree Bagsall for a 1hr yoga class to open the chakra’s, followed by a 1hr chakra overview, opening, and balancing meditation. Info & Registration here.

Heartland Yoga Fest: On June 23rd of the Heartland Yoga Fest I will have a small booth with my healing table set up. Stop by for Chakra Readings and Express Energy Sessions! For tix, click here.

Women’s Class: Mind + Body + Soul Connection. Interested in learning more about energy and how to connect your Mind, Body and Soul? Mark your calendar and join me for a class of feminine connection, community and creativity at Metanoia in Lee Summit on June 30th from 1030am-1230pm. Be on the look out for registration info.

Guatemala Magic ~ Women’s Yoga & Healing Retreat: January 5 – 12, 2019. For retreat details and to sign up, visit this link.


To stay up to date on my events, check out my Events page on my website: lisalola.net/events

To stay energetically inspired follow me on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Contact me for questions or concerns.

April Newsletter

Hello Beloveds,

Happy April! I think??

Today I’d like to talk about Feminine Energy. I’m currently taking a 10-month course called, “Turn on Your Feminine Magic” – how fun, right?! – with a wonderful teacher and friend, Laura Wolf. If you don’t know her, or haven’t heard of her, look her up. She’s a FORCE of feline magic, out to balance her masculine and serve us all. I’ve been truly learning a lot from this woman, and I’ve been getting really intrigued with what Feminine energy really is, I had no idea what all it entailed!

A lot of the time when we hear “feminine” and “masculine” we think male and female, and construct them mentally as separate. I know my brain likes to do that, and I’m constantly working at re-wiring it to understand that we all have both. Female’s have Feminine (Fem) and Masculine (Mas) energy, and same goes for males, and if we’re out to live a more conscious path, it’s imperative that we get to know both.

The very first thing that whopped me over the head about these energies, is how they exist in the world. I’ve known for quite some time that the Masculine principle of energy is Doing, and the Feminine principle of energy is Being. But I didn’t realize how much my Fem energy was drowning in a sea of exhaustion, depletion, and confusion, due to the endless to-do lists, pushing to get things done, and not allowing myself rest when I needed it. My Masculine was, and still is (it’s a work in progress) driving the ship most of the time, forcing me to go-go-go even when I don’t have the energy for it, and all alarm systems in my body are telling me to stop.

It’s easy to fall into this type of mentality in our current day world run by the patriarch. Culturally and socially, we value less sleep, downing 32oz of coffee, not seeing our kids or family if it means we got the job done on time. And it doesn’t work. Not for very long at least. We forget that we are human. We do get tired. We need more then stimulants to fuel our day, and our home life doesn’t work so well if we’re not there.

This is not a post about downing the patriarchy. This is a post about reconnecting to our needs, our wants, our desires —-> ALL Fem Energy! ——> and returning to a balance. A balance of work, rest, and play. A balance of Masculine AND Feminine Energy.

You see, the Feminine takes her time, the Feminine is spacious. She has nowhere to go, and all day to get their. The Feminine strolls, she lingers, she moves from her pelvic bowl, low to the ground and connected to her great Mother, her Earth. She feels at home in her body and therefore free in her mind. She receives the energy that life has to offer, as the Masculine so graciously offers it.

You see, this is just a return to where we come from. Following the natural cycles of how energy flows. The Feminine receives energy in from her pelvic bowl, goes up and gives out through the heart. The Masculine receives love in from his heart, goes down and gives out from his penis.

As I write this I become in tune with this natural flow of giving and receiving energy and I feeeeeeelgood. At once, I feel at ease. I feel myself soften. I feel my body drop down closer to the Earth, and notice my lungs open wider, taking in more fresh prana. I feel the Shakti energy coursing through my blood and I feel Alive!

And isn’t that what we want?? To feel more Alive!!!??? I know I do. I came into this life to live, and to thrive, so let’s do it!

I can’t say enough about how this course is so good for me. I notice how connecting with my Feminine energy is helping me continue on my healing journey in the most subtle, yet profound ways.

I’m slowing down and enjoying life more —- while STILL getting everything done. (Crazy concept I know!) I’m taking pleasure in everything possible – my hot tea in the morning, my warm bed at night, massages from my beloved – YUM!!! I’m actually letting myself take naps! Something I’ve never really let myself do before, and I got to tell you – it feels SO. GOOD.

I’m letting my desires be known and allowing myself to receive them. And, one of the biggest ones, I’m practicing “Today, Not Today” – I don’t do anything unless the energy is there for it. Yes, I said ANYthing. So if my body doesn’t feel like it, my mind isn’t up for it, or my emotions need some down time, it ain’t happen’in. You feel me?? ;p

These practices are simple, however they don’t come easy for me. It takes conscious awareness to reframe my thoughts, intentions, mindset and behavior. But they are oh-so-worth it. Only 1 month into the program and I already feel more connected to my Feminine self and I’m excited for whatever else is already on it’s way!

Blessing’s dear ones!

PS: If you’re interested in talking about Feminine and Masculine Energy, give me a shout! I love juicy conversation and diving deeper!


Lisa <3

Upcoming & Reoccurring Events

Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga. Suggested Donation $5-10

Guided Meditation ~ Wednesday Evenings 730-8pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga.Suggested Donation $5-10. The weekly theme is posted on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Heartland Yoga Fest: On June 23rd of the Heartland Yoga Fest I will have a small booth with my healing table set up. Stop by for Chakra Readings and Express Energy Sessions! For tix, click here.

Guatemala Magic ~ Women’s Yoga & Healing Retreat: January 5 – 12, 2019. For retreat details and to sign up, visit this link.


To stay up to date on my events, check out my Events page on my website: lisalola.net/events

To stay energetically inspired follow me on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Contact me for questions or concerns.

March Newsletter

Hello Beloveds,

Happy March to you and first day of Spring! (At least it was the day I wrote this) 🙂

Spring is one of my favorite times of year. Everything starts to come back to life and bloom with vibrancy, much like how I feel after a long, dead winter. I naturally have more energy and feel extra outgoing in my work, social life, and desire to move and create. Yay for all that!

Last month I spoke a lot about my energetic sensitivity, and this month I’ve noticed a sense of Flow starting to seep in around that. The sensitivity is still there, but a deeper awareness has come through, allowing for more movement and grace. In my experience I don’t feel we ever “get rid of or fully release” our wounds, more it seems like we just learn how to surrender to them.

Surrender then opens the wound for the pain to come out and love to come in. Love is light, and light is consciousness, which breeds integration through the full being. We may go through this process again and again on any particular wounding, depending upon it’s depth – ie: how many lives we’ve incarnated with this wound intact, if it’s a part of a long line of ancestral lineage, if it happens to be karmic in nature, etc.

Really this information isn’t even required to know with the exception that it provides access to compassion and grace. Knowing that a carried wound has been with us for a long time and that it’s inherent in our familial lines, helps us to soften to ourselves in the healing of them. This is what Past Life Regression sessions are good for, to help us know more of ourselves in our totality, offering broader awareness and a deeper knowing of Self. If this is making lightbulbs go off and you’re interested in a regression, click here.

Speaking of karmic, ancestral wounding. I have recently been working on a wound carried through my lineage that I was able to heal on a level deeper then I ever have before, in regards to my relationship with food.

My partner and I just successfully completed Whole 30. A program where you only eat whole foods for 30 days. No grains, dairy or sugar. Let me repeat myself, NO Grains, Dairy, or SUGAR. This achievement still bewilders me! That I was actually able to only eat whole foods for an extended time WITHOUT CHEATING.

Anyone who knows me well knows that I have a sweet tooth and it’s rare for me to ever go more then a week without somethinnnnggg sweet. And you know what’s even crazier? It wasn’t that big of a deal. Yeah sure, there were 2 birthday parties where I really could have ate a piece of cake. I was jones’n for wine on a few occasions, and we did have to get creative in the kitchen, but it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.

This is HUGE on so many levels. First, karmically, I’ve been told that I spent a lifetime as a victim of the holocaust in a concentration camp where I was starving and without food for weeks. I know, I know, this may sound really “woo-woo” but it resonated and I’ve seen visions of this. Therefore any sort of “restriction” of food in this life, may trigger the wounds of that time.

Second, I shared a post the other day about how this is connected to my family, here’s a snippet in case you missed it:

“Food has always been hard for me ever since I was a kid. Growing up in a family of over-eaters that used food for everything – pain, pleasure, reward, and boredom – I quickly took on this behavior and never knew how to eat from my body. Eating was always mind-directed, never from an intuitive sense. When to eat, what to eat, and how much was all based on strategy and manipulation.”

As a child I took on the eating behaviors of my family instead of eating from a connection to my own body. Click here to read full post. This disconnection between my mind and body created a lot of other issues, including developing anorexia in my 20’s after my father and good friend died. Losing them was not the reason why I developed an eating disorder – although you’d think it was – no, they were just the trigger to a wound already in place. A deep wound of unworthiness, self-loathe, and disgust. Deep breath after that, whooo.

Taking on the Whole 30 challenge required stepping out of this deep seated, ancient wound that held things in place that comforted me, yet were killing me. You know, how we want to be strong, abundant, and in our power, but are scared to fully do so? How playing small and not using our voice is comforting because it’s familiar? Yeah, stuff like that. Often we want to move on from these wounds, to lose all the weight and get our “bodies” back, before we’ve done any of the real inner work to heal the trauma that’s holding the weight in the first place.

I was able to accomplish Whole 30 at this point on my journey because I was emotionally ready, not because I was physically capable or set my mind straight with the program. This is often the misconception. “If I can just get my butt to the gym X times a week, eat nothing but carrots and celery, and force myself through the will of my mind, I’ll get there.”

Believe me, I tried that way many times and as a result have had many failed attempts at eating programs in the past. All because I refused (or was unaware) that I was cutting corners around the trauma, just trying to get to the finish line where my ego felt safe.

But it doesn’t work that way. There are no shortcuts to healing. The only way out is through. We heal through the journey, not once we reach the destination.

I chalk this Whole 30 victory up to preparation (all the inner healing work I’ve done) meets good timing. I was finally ready to address this layer.

And all of this could shift again as I continue to heal myself and go into deeper layers of my unconscious. Nothing is final or ever complete, that’s why Flooooowwwing, makes this ride much more enjoyable.

Blessings Beloveds!


Lisa <3

Upcoming & Reoccurring Events

Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga. Suggested Donation $5-10

Class Update: Guided Meditation ~ Wednesday Evenings 730-800pm (previously 730-815pm, changed to better accommodate participants) @ Karma Tribe Yoga.Suggested Donation $5-10. The weekly theme is posted on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Intro to the Chakras: April 7th from 1-5pm @ KC Yoga Kula. $60. Sign-up here.

Chakra Yoga Intensive: April 14th from 12-9pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga. Sign-up here.

Guatemala Magic ~ Women’s Yoga & Healing Retreat: January 5 – 12, 2019. HEAD’S UP! Join my list to be the first to know (and receive a massive savings for VIPS on this retreat) click here. For retreat details, visit this link.

Heartland Yoga Fest: On June 23rd of the Heartland Yoga Fest I will have a small booth with my healing table set up. Stop by for Chakra Readings and Express Energy Sessions! For tix, click here.


To stay up to date on my events, check out my Events page on my website: lisalola.net/events

To stay energetically inspired follow me on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Contact me for questions or concerns.

February Newsletter

Hello Beloveds,

Happy February to you. I’ve been procrastinating writing this as I’ve felt perplexed in how to even begin sharing my progression from last month’s newsletter about the Guatemala retreat I co-led and having so many tummy and sleep troubles (if you didn’t catch it, check out the repost on my website here). As I said at the end of my January’s newsletter, I was told I may have had food poisoning while on retreat, all to find out a week after I sent it out that I didn’t!

I’ve done a lot of feeling into what was going on and was confirmed by what Spirit told me, I was energy sick. My combination of being extremely energetically sensitive and my empathic senses were detoxing. The energy on Lake Atitlan provided a strong mirror of what needed to be released – and so often we get sick in order to let go of what is no longer highest and best. Another way of describing energy sick is I was going through a healing process of working through old energetic patterns and they were getting bunked up in my system as they were trying to leave (manifesting physically as stomach issues) and my mind was holding onto them (manifesting psychically as the past).

I also came across a term I had never heard of before upon doing my Enneagram test, (personality type indicators, check out more here) Somatization. I have been type’d as a 1 with a 2 wing, and if you know anything about Enneagram or 2’s, they are givers by nature and often can take on the diseases of those they support. Hello being an Energy Healer! However I’m a primary 1 so it’s not quite the same for me as I know I have to take care of Self first before I can take care of another (primary 2’s aren’t organized to do this, always denying self and putting others before them). But having 2 as my wing brought some things into awareness.

This word Somatization. It means, “the tendency to experience and communicate psychological distress in the form of somatic symptoms and to seek medical help for them. Somatic means any mental disorder which manifests as physical symptoms that suggest illness or injury, but which cannot be explained fully by a general medical condition or by the direct effect of a substance, and are not attributable to another mental disorder.”

Essentially what I took this to mean is I pick up the energetic stress of environments and those around me so much that they are created and manifest as physical symptoms or dis-ease in my body. WOW! This explains soooooooo much! LIGHTBULBS are going off! It makes sense why I contracted an Ameba, Parasites, Asbestos and other toxic diseases – always caught in energetic form through Quantum Biofeedback, thank Goddess (check out this link here for more info and my QB DR) because I’m pretty much an open vessel for anything to come in and have a seat at the table! (I’m working on shifting this as I type!)

Because of my sensitivity, it’s like I naturally don’t have any boundaries or energetic guards on duty monitoring what’s trying to come in, so anything – of any vibration high or low – get’s to invade my system. If you are the type of person who feels like they are always holding the energetic weight of a room or space for those around you, and you’re sensitive like me to people, places, things, foods, drinks, and also possibly fabrics, scents, and lighting – you most likely are – including all the sh#t that person/space is carrying as well.

It doesn’t mean there isn’t any hope and or that nothing can be done, it just requires the awareness that you’re sensitive and then taking the precautionary steps to clear and shield yourself habitually, as I am still learning to do.

By becoming aware of your energetic sensitivity, along with how you hold your own energy and take in – or not – the energy of another is extremely important to know. You could be carrying dis-ease’s that aren’t even yours. You may not be able to sleep because of high electromagnetic frequencies close to your bed. There are a whole SLEW of variables that could be contributing to your discomfort. And they all start as energy.

Low vibrational frequencies of self-hate, shame, guilt, un-healed trauma, etc. cause wear and tear to the body, even if we do eat right, sleep enough, exercise and meditate. At the very beginning of you when your Spirit was born, and at the end of you when your body dies, you are energy. You start and finish as energy, So let’s begin looking at the energetic root of our issues in order to liberate ourselves and stand in the powerful Being’s that we innately are.

This is the type of work I do as an energy healer. I have been working on my energy and developing my knowledge of the Chakra System (our energy anatomy) through my own experience so that I may help my clients with their own. This work is powerful and transformational. It has literally saved my life (along with my own healer’s and support systems) and I am ever so grateful to be put on this planet at this time to do, be, live and BREATHE my purpose.

And so it is – AHO beloveds! If you are interested in learning about your energy anatomy and how it’s all connected Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit – you can schedule a private session or join me for 2 upcoming Chakra Classes – information below!




Upcoming & Reoccurring Events

Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga. Suggested Donation $5-10

New: Guided Meditation ~ Wednesday Evenings 730-815pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga.Suggested Donation $5-10. The weekly theme is posted on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Chakra Basics: March 3rd from 2-4pm @ KC Yoga Kula. $25. For tickets, click here.

Intro to the Chakras: April 7th from 1-5pm @ KC Yoga Kula. $60. For tickets, click here.

Chakra Yoga Weekend Workshop: April 13 – 15th @ Karma Tribe Yoga. Stay tuned for more details.

Guatemala Magic ~ Yoga & Healing Retreat: January 5 – 12, 2019. Stay tuned for more details, email me to be put on the interested list!


To stay up to date on my events, check out my Events page on my website: lisalola.net/events

To stay energetically inspired follow me on my Facebook Business Page and IG accounts.

Contact me for questions or concerns.

Lisa <3

January Newsletter

Hola Amigos!

I am just returning from my trip to Guatemala where I co-led a healing and yoga retreat with Lauren Leduc of Karma Tribe Yoga. She’s a master yoga teacher and I got to practice my skills leading energy healing workshops abroad. Here’s a photo of our group above!

The retreat was amazing. Villa Sumaya, the retreat center where we stayed was out-of-this-world spectacular. The views were breathtaking. Located back in some jungly-tree’d forest right on Lake Atitlan, surrounded by 29 volcanoes. Talk about hello Mother Earth! She was so alive all around us, it was hard not to feel her pulse.

The center’s employees and managers were soooo organized too, making it a breeze for Lauren and I to lead. Literally all of our needs were taken care of, so we could focus on our work and holding space for our participants. Lauren has led yoga retreats all over the globe and said this place was the most well run one yet – score!

Everyday started with 630am yoga, meditation, then breakfast and usually some kind of excursion or free time for massage or energy work. Then lunch and energy healing workshops in the afternoon, free time, dinner, and free time before bed.

I was once again reminded how much I love my work. One of my most favorite things in the world is witnessing another’s transformation, there is truly nothing like it. To see someone open up, express themselves, and claim who they are is one of the most empowering experiences to witness. To watch the participants on the retreat move through limiting beliefs, emotional wounds, and family burdens was remarkable. I walked away having learned so much myself and deeply thankful for the opportunity.

Speaking of learning myself, that was one thing I wasn’t expecting to experience so much of on this retreat. I was focused on leading, holding space for others, listening, and providing a compassionate container. Little did I know Guatemala had other plans in store for me.

Physically speaking, I kinda got my butt kicked. I had some pretty terrible stomach issues while there. My digestion system has been my achillies heel since I was a child, a constant teacher for me that didn’t let me off the hook this time – retreat leader or not – and I couldn’t figure out what was going on with it or what I needed to make it better. Upon returning home and seeing my holistic Dr. it appears that I may have had food poisoning, which explains so much!

So much of my experience was related to the healing of my 3rd Chakra, the Solar Plexus. This Chakra holds the stomach, liver connected to the large intestine (hello digestion), as well as our control center, the house for our ego and soul, and our self identity and belonging. I felt all of this challenged on this trip. It fascinates me to see what we experience emotionally is directly tied to us physically. I felt really out of my element there – I’ve haven’t been out of the country in a long time, I’ve never been to Guatemala, I hadn’t led an international retreat before and all the unknown things that come up with that, so I felt VULNERABLE and my body knew it!

I’m also very energetically sensitive – meaning I can feel the energy of people, places, and things deeply – and the energy on Lake Atitlan moved VERY fast. A worker told me Karma moves very fast there, and boy do I believe it. The place is an energy vortex, which are powerful and transformational energy centers where the intersection of natural electromagnetic earth energy lies. Which makes a lot of sense given the large presence of Mother Earth on Lake Atitlan.

To me it felt like churning, spiraling energy moving very fast in the atmosphere, and therefore, inside of me. At night it was so intense that it felt like my third eye and crown couldn’t shut down, and as a result, I didn’t get much sleep. But the odd part was that I wasn’t tired during the day. I was awake, alert, focused and on my game. My body was a little lethargic, but I still moved pretty well throughout the day. Fascinating. Makes you question the whole, “must need 8 hours of sleep every night” jargon, huh?

It was somewhat embarrassing, being a leader and having so many issues with my body assimilating to the land. The experience reminded me that often the best leaders lead through vulnerability, and that we often have to break down the old to rebuild new.

I also saw the power in showing others it’s okay to be human and show emotion. This retreat taught me a large dose of humility and breakdown of my ego, which always wants to get it right and look good. We can get so caught up in thinking we need to be perfect to be leaders in our lives, and in thinking that our leaders need to be perfect, that we all miss a lot of opportunity for growth through imperfection and “mistakes.” Like I’ve said before and I truly believe, our imperfection, flaws, vulnerability, and so called mistakes are a GOLDMINE of information to heal, grow and expand inside ourselves. So let’s begin using them as such!

From this whole trip, really I have my body to thank, for releasing all those emotions I was feeling that manifested as digestion issues/food poisoning. It’s interesting to see what our body will attract – in this case food poisoning – in order to let go of what we no longer need – in this case, fear, control, belonging. And it will also support us in excellerating our growth – manifesting in the form of sleepless nights for me. It really is all how we look at it!

From this perspective, we really are always getting what we need, no matter how hard, painful, or frustrating something is, Spirit is constantly working to support us in bringing up what is incomplete to be made whole again.

I hope you know how whole, perfect and complete you are as you read this, even with all your flaws and imperfections.

Blessings beloveds!


Sleepless Messages from the Divine

Have you ever gone long stints of time without sleep? Where you keep thinking, “tonight’s the night I’m going to rest” and you end up laying awake again, too wired – no matter how tired you are?

You may be doing everything right. Removing coffee from your diet completely, herbal sleepy time tea at night, no electronics for X plus hours before bed. The list goes on and on and on. Still no sleep.

I’ve been going through this off and on for many months now, and I’m finally getting to the place of seeing that this in itself, is a Spiritual awakening.

What I mean by that is, that my body/mind/Spirit is going through some kind of energetic releasing and upgrading process, probably traveling through dimensions of universes and sub space in order to get me aligned to where I need to be as dictated by my Higher Self. And that I asked for this process all along. You know when we set intentions and ask for Spiritual awakening? To grow in mind, body, and Spirit? That not sleeping may be a part of that journey.

As I write this I am coming off of 12 days in which I’ve only slept 4 full nights. 8 of those days I was leading a healing retreat in Guatemala and was getting anywhere from 1 hour – around 4. Talk about a fast pace of Spiritual ascension!

The first night I couldn’t sleep on retreat I kept teetering back and forth from “oh my gosh, how am I going to lead retreat tomorrow when I haven’t slept at all?” to “well, not sleeping is where I am, so this must be where I’m suppose to be, and I know that the Divine has my back no matter what, so I guess I’m not meant to have a full night’s rest for tomorrow’s activities.”

I saw that my energetic state was a direct result of how I chose to respond in my mind. If I chose suffering, the “oh my gosh, this is terrible, how am I going to be able to perform X? Where am I going to find the energy to do Y?” That took me down a rabbit hole of low vibrational energy and I was caught in pushing, suffering and turmoil all day. On the other hand, if I chose to be curious and see how the Divine was working through me by providing this experience of not sleeping, my Spirit stayed high and I gently moved through the day full of ease, flow, and Grace.

There’s something interesting about leaning into the energetics of it. If I’m not able to sleep well, and knowing that all is in perfect, Divine order, then having a full nights rest and being fully energized tomorrow must not be the energy that will completely support me. I must need to be a little tired in body, mentally off in mind, and emotionally more sensitive.

Have you noticed after not sleeping for a night, or 2 or 3, you start to break down, perhaps into emotional release, that you were unable to get too when fully rested? That normally on full sleep, you may not be able to relax and move more slowly through the day, so Spirit’s way of answering your call to linger more, to take things more easy during the day is by withholding rest so you feel tired enough TOO slow down?

These are messages I’ve been hearing Spirit say to me through not sleeping. I hope this may help you make more sense of sleepless nights. Message me lisa@lisalola.net with your sleepless night experiences and what messages from the Divine you’ve been getting. Let’s be in the inquiry together <3

December Newsletter

Happy Holidays Beauties!

I love the holiday season, and it also can be challenging. Another year passed without my dad, it brings up so much. I can feel his Spirit strong, just not quite the same without a physical body. I do enjoy thinking of him and Christmas memories as a child. Important to hold those loved ones tight.

I’ve been growing so much lately. Last month I reflected on the darkness post expansion that Hawaii brought, and now I’ve moved into the learning phase. I’ve worked through, and “been with” a lot of the fear. Allowing myself to feel it to heal it, and I’ve got to say, I do feel lighter. The only way out is through, dear ones. Something I constantly have to remind myself of, and then I’m always surprised when it works, lol. Silly human 🙂

A trick I’ve been using is embracing my fear. When it shows up, I imagine myself wrapping my loving arms around it and pulling it close. I’ve been seeing that these fears are just long, lost parts of me forgotten along the way, needing my compassion and love, my holding and just being there.

I breathe into the fear. If I feel it in my chest, I try to get quiet, lay down and just breathe into those spaces where I feel the fear. It usually feels like restriction. I imagine it looks like these little (or big) balls and various organic shapes that are dark, smoky in color, sometimes really dense with fog or have sharp textures.

Locating where you feel the fear in your body and describing what the fear looks like, with as much detail as possible, is key. The more we get to know our fears, the less charge they hold. Then they transform from fear to this dark, round, smoky ball in the top left quadrant of my chest. That gives me something to work with. It no longer has a hold over me, I now have a clearer picture of what it is, and I can more easily decipher what it needs.

Then the next step is pretty straight forward, however not always obvious – I just give it what it needs – and if that’s not apparent, I may need to ask what I can do to help. Usually the answers are always the same – attention, breathe, space, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, love. Really a pretty simple formula, not so easy for most of us to apply, that only get’s easier with practice.

It’s just scary because we’re not taught how to go into our fears. Our natural inclination is toward pleasure and away from pain. So we resist, push under the rug, and they continue to rule our lives in ways that can be hard to see. Through acting out, coping behaviors, addiction, and dis-ease.

The pain is where gold is though. It’s a mine of information, salvation, and freedom. It’s usually the beginning of any new creation – think of how often we are moved to create out of something we’ve suffered from – and it’s included in any process known to man. Pain is just as much of us as love, and we need both to truly live.

I came across a quote on Facebook the other day and although I don’t usually post a lot on my personal page, I was moved to share. “Sometimes we’d never know what’s wrong without the pain.” Isn’t that so true. We would have no idea what parts of us need attention if we couldn’t feel the pounding in our head, the aching of our heart, or the cut on our knee. We need the pain to know. To know what needs tending too. To know what is calling out for love.

So put simply, pain is just a call to love. A call to bear arms around yourself, around another. To love, Love, LOVE with your whole being.

May you feel the love and joy of this holiday season and everyday beloveds. May you share that love with yourself as much as you can, and even more in the face of fear and pain. For they are only parts of you, calling out your name.

Happy Holidays, all my love

Personal Healing Sessions

If you’d like to receive a chakra balancing, reiki healing, past life regression, channeling or access bars session, check out my list of services here. Or if you’d first like to chat, email me for a complimentary 20min phone consultation.

Upcoming & Reoccurring Events

Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga.

1 more week to catch me subbing 2 Meditations for my teacher & dear friend, Dr. Matt Turner!

Meditation Wednesday Dec. 20 from 730-815pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga
Meditation Thursday Dec. 14 from 730-815pm @ KC Yoga Kula

To stay up to date on my events, check out the new Events page on my website: lisalola.net/events

If you’re behind and would still like to see photo’s from my trip, I posted almost religiously to my Facebook Business Page and IG account. So much to feast your eyes on!

Contact me for questions or concerns.

Lisa <3

November Newsletter

Hello Beloveds,

Last month I spoke about all of the beauty, light and expansion of my trip to the Hawaiian islands. Today, and lately, I have been experiencing the opposite – the ugly, darkness, and contraction. Woof. It’s hard being a Spirit in a human body sometimes.

What I’ve been present too lately is So. Much. Fear. Like crazy, crippling, unbridled fear. I’ve constantly been feeling on edge and like the boogy man is lurking in the bushes. My central nervous system and adrenals have been taking a major hit, my sleep has been less and irregular, and I haven’t had much of an appetite. Often we don’t even realize how much stress and anxiety impact us physically. Fear literally contracts the body in to protect, leaving us with stiff joints, sore muscles, a spinning mind and an aching heart.

At times like these I still find myself in moments of questioning, am I strong enough for this? Can I actually hold myself? I think this may be too much for me, I need to bow out. Yet, each time I stand in the heat of fire, 3 things happen.

  1. I prove to myself how strong I am
  2. That I can take more then I think
  3. I see that although the heat hurts, and sucks, it’s just heat.

It’s just a process I’m going through in life, it’s just the next thing up for me to experience, learn, and grow from. May sound easy, but when times get intense, I find myself trying to pull myself back so I can fully see what’s happening. Perhaps I’ve “messed up” in some way. I see that the other person who may be mad, is just feeling and expressing an emotion, and most likely just needs to get it out, and most importantly – that this feeling/experience won’t last forever. Amen to that.

And I grow. It’s often hard and it hurts. I often want to run away and hide, not face the boogy man. I’m exhausted and want it all to go away. But I take a breath, step back, and see this was all brought here for me. This obstacle is an opportunity for my growth.

Happy Fall and Thanksgiving beauties, much gratitude for your love <3
Personal Healing Sessions
If you’d like to receive a chakra balancing, reiki healing, past life regression, or channeling session, check out my list of services here. Or if you’d first like to chat, email me for a complimentary 20min phone consultation.

Upcoming & Reoccurring Events

Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga.

For the next 4 weeks you can catch me subbing 2 Meditations for my teacher & dear friend, Dr. Matt Turner!

  • Meditation Wednesday’s Nov. 29 – Dec. 20 from 730-815pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga
  • Meditation Thursday’s Nov. 30 – Dec. 14 from 730-815pm @ KC Yoga Kula

To stay up to date on my events, check out the new Events page on my website: lisalola.net/events

If you’re behind and would still like to see photo’s from my trip, I posted almost religiously to my Facebook Business Page and IG account. So much to feast your eyes on!

Contact me for questions or concerns.

Lisa <3

October Newsletter

Aloha Beloveds!

I just got home from Maui, it is soooooooo beautiful there! That place consistently lit up my heart in a way I’ve rarely experienced. It felt like my heart was radiating out joy for the entirety of my trip, sometimes I could barely contain my enthusiasm!

During my trip, it felt like the land was constantly speaking to me, like I could hear Mama Maui guiding me toward love in a whole new way. For weeks I experienced being fully guided from Spirit with little mind direction or control. It was blissful. It felt like I took myself apart, softened any hard edges, and put myself back together again. I could feel my system upgrading, taking in more light frequency and raising my vibration. Requiring the old to be released in order for the new to come in. She assisted me in completing a lot of old patterns and healing karmic wounds held for lifetimes. It felt good to let go and follow essence. I feel lighter upon returning home.

Maui is known as the heart chakra. When I found this out I squealed in joy. It made So. Much. Sense! My first two weeks in Kauai felt like Spiritual surgery. Kauai feels like an ancient grandmother, full of wisdom and holding. It was as though she went into my operating system and moved things around, took energy out and completely opened me up. Then upon traveling to Maui it felt like healing and recovery time from a younger, joyous energy. Maui’s heart regenerated my field and enlivened my Spirit, assisting me with the transition to this new, higher relational space. Into this new place of deepened love, joy, and psychic awareness.

The land is so rich in the Hawaiian Islands. Everything is so alive. Which made me feel ALIVE! I could literally FEEL all of Mother Nature’s energy. So vibrant, free and flowing. Retreating to a place that has so much diverse plant life and natural blessings has SUCH a tremendous healing effect on the body, mind, and Spirit – Did I mention there are 9 days left to sign up for my Guatemala Magic Yoga + Healing Retreat?? 🙂 Click here and see info below!

For example, when I looked at Haleakala – Maui’s biggest volcano – I felt this sense of such wisdom and sovereignty. When I listened to the crashing waves of the ocean, I felt Father Sea washing away emotional turmoil and angst. When I felt the sun shining down on my skin, I felt the old burning away. When I felt the sand between my toes, I felt the grounding and holding of Mama Cocha – our Great Mother.

I have such gratitude for those lands. They offer so many blessings and teachings – all free of charge – if you get quiet, trust and listen. I rarely listened to music or watched anything. The abundance surrounding me was more then enough to keep my senses engaged. It was such a unique opportunity to go off-grid and completely disengage from everything outside of me. I went internal, focused on nurturing myself from the inside out. Focused on grounding my new light body, clearing blocks to love, connecting to my Higher Self, and healing my heart.

Upon arriving in Maui, I went through a series of days where I would break into tears. I felt like Maui broke open my heart and new light was shining through the cracks. Tears of sweet release in deep reverence for the land and Spirit. Thank you Spirit, for directing me there. Thank you to mySelf, for listening.

While in Kauai I asked why she brought me to the island. She informed me it was to expand my heart within my energy healing work, so I could be of greater service to humanity. Then I was directed to Maui, to continue the heart healing process in the heart chakra of Earth.

What I learned from this trip, is how important it is to get away and take time to connect with one’s Self. How necessary it is to go into the silence and listen to the beating of your Sacred Heart. To ask your internal guidance what it needs. To ask your Self what it wants. How rich nature is in it’s ability to heal, excite and inspire our senses. How Spirit is always guiding us to exactly where we need to be. How taking the time to heal – even from the day to day – is crucial for our Soul’s growth, health and expansion.

Thank you Kauai. Thank you Maui. Thank you to my partner for supporting me in taking such a long voyage – and joining me for a portion of it! Thank you to my community for believing in me. Thank you to my clients for your love and well wishes. Thank you to Spirit for your beauty and abundance.


Guatemala Magic Yoga + Healing Retreat……
If you also have been receiving the call to travel, there are 9 days left to register for this magical journey with my co-leader Lauren Leduc of Karma Tribe Yoga! Think lush nature, volcanoes, monkey’s, fruit trees, crystal water, and Mother Earth. Sure to be grounding, restorative and healing. Click here to register!

Personal Healing Sessions……
I am back in KC beloveds and have resumed taking clients. If you’d like to receive a chakra balancing, reiki healing, past life regression, or channeling session, I am open and ready to serve from this new space of beauty. I’m no longer at Heart of the Dove and have my home healing space fully up and running in Midtown. Check out my list of services here. Or if you’d first like to chat, email me for a complimentary 20min phone consultation.

You can also catch me leading my weekly Chakra Balancing Mediation at Karma Tribe Yoga resuming Sunday, October 22nd from 6-730pm. (Deep Stretch w/ Hilari 6-7, Mediation 7-730)

Energy Healing Program……
I will also be starting up my Energy Healing Program again for individuals interested in taking a deep dive into their Self-Healing. No matter what the area of focus – be it healing from a breakup, toxic relationship, eating disorder, unbalanced lifestyle, grief, or if you just desire to experience more love and joy in your life and would like assistance in balancing your energy field – this program is customized for each individual’s needs. Through set intention, a series of energy healing practices, reflection and integration, I will assist you in releasing blocks to love through Spiritual guidance and energy tracking. Email me to be put on the consideration list.

If you’d like to see photo’s from my trip, I posted almost religiously to my Facebook Business Page and IG account. So much to feast your eyes on!

Mahalo Mermaids!

Upcoming & Reoccurring Events
*Guatemala Magic: Yoga & Healing Retreat ~ Lake Atitlan. January 6-13, 2018. Still spaces left!

*Chakra Basics Oct 28th: 1-3pm @ Surya Yoga. Olathe, KS. Learn what the chakra’s are and why they are an important part of maintaining a healthy Mind, Body & Spirit.

*Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga.

To stay up to date on my events, check out the new Events page on my website: lisalola.net/events

Contact me for questions or concerns.

Lisa <3