
“What I find valuable working with Lisa is that it’s obvious to me that, not only has Lisa done her own healing work, but that she continues to do it. Because of this, she does not judge when working with me. This allows me to feel completely comfortable in opening up to her.

Lisa is also dedicated to her practice. She is committed to doing all the necessary practices and daily rituals that keep her balanced in her presence and approach with her clients. This gives me the structure and stability I need during our sessions.

Finally, Lisa is both connected to her higher awareness as well as grounded in her daily life. She does not sugar coat. She is compassionate but also knows that life must be lived in the here and now and she doesn’t hesitate to focus our sessions on the down to earth practical feedback.

In short, I recommend her highly.”

Dave Witcher

“I have always tried to do everything for myself, heal childhood wounds, personal and spiritual development, get out of bad situations. But doing it alone I reached my limit, I hit a wall and I couldn’t see a way out. Lola helped me see and heal what was impossible for me alone. Her workshops and personal sessions have helped me move forward, because when I think that there is nothing that can help me, she once again gives me information that expresses otherwise. I am 100% grateful to Lola and to each of the people I have connected with through her.”

Zaira Naame

“I have so much gratitude for the work that you’re doing. I am in such a different place than I was a few months ago & being with you absolutely jump started my healing journey. I’m in a much better place & feel way more supported! Thank you!”

Lindsey Landrus-Silko

“Working with Lisa has been a profound chapter of my journey and opened me to a deeper awareness of my own medicine and gifts as a healer. She holds a safe, sisterly and sacred space for a person to explore all aspects of themselves and open their heart more fully to the mystery and magic of life. She has played an exceptional role in my awakening process & I’m forever grateful to her for her support, guidance and love.”

Janelle Orsborn

“Lisa is a wonder. I found her in one of the hardest times in my life. My sessions with Lisa and her kind and nurturing energy helped me to understand the patterns in my life that were not serving me. This set me on a course out of my darkness. I have continued on this path with her other offerings such as her Channeling 101 course. If you are reading this review you were probably brought here just like I was, for a reason. Your soul may need some healing that your ego can’t provide and there is no one better then Lisa that I would trust with that task. She truly is such a gift to this world.”

Elaine Phillips

“Lisa is a brilliant and powerful teacher. Warm-hearted and present, her commitment to being of service to Spirit and the highest good shines through her teaching and the beautiful, sacred space she creates for her students. In her Energy Healing course, I experienced my skepticism and doubt melt away as I witnessed the awakening of my gifts that yielded actual, tangible results. This work is fun, powerful and life changing!  Having worked with Lisa, I feel more aligned to my mission and enlivened for the next step on my journey. Thank you, Lisa, for walking the path and doing the work so you can show up as a powerful leader and make this important work accessible to more and more people. You are a gift to me and the world. I love you.”

Lyndsie Coon

“Lisa and her services are medicine! I’ve participated in her online meditations, have had private sessions with her, and have taken her Healer’s Level 1 course twice. So much growth has happened for me since then. I’ve only known Lisa for less than a year and she has helped me identify so much of my power I didn’t even know existed. Her work is magic and her presence is incredible. The services she provides has catalyzed my healing and the best thing she has provided me with so far, is the power and tools to heal myself. 10/10 would recommend to anyone.”

Alex Laughlin

“I’ve now gone through Energy Healing Level 1 and 2 and both workshops were full of so much expansion and growth. Lisa took her time to explain everything clearly and was great at asking questions of the group so that each person felt that they were contributing. This provided a communal learning experience while also tuning into the wants and needs of the group. She knows when to pause to ask everyone to breathe or meditate which provides a nurturing environment for growth. I got so much more out of these courses than I had expected. So so happy to have been a part of such a warm, loving and healing program!!”

Kayla Watts

“My name is Sydney Rudd, I’m 19 and I have always had a wonder of the what the world beyond us held. I always knew there was more. Curious to see what we can’t see with our eyes; I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of Lisa’s courses to learn more. I joined Lisa’s classes late 2021, Level 1 Healers Workshop Course in October of 2021 and then the Level 2 Healers Course December of 2021. Both classes have transformed me in so many ways beyond physical. When I first walked in, i was immediately greeted with an overwhelming feeling of love. People I had never met before hugged me, welcoming me, simply seeing me for me. Nothing I had ever felt before. To be honest, i was not expecting for my life to change so quickly (and wonderfully) in a spiritual way. I had always been in tune with the Divine and Source but joining Lisa’s courses connected me beyond what i believed i was capable of doing. I remember doing a meditation exercise in a group of about 12 beautiful souls. During the meditation, we were all told to pay attention to our hearts and ask questions about what we need, desire, etc. I asked my heart and Source, “what more do i need to do for you?”. The only word which responded to me was “nothing”. I felt a sense of peace, serenity, and loved. The message Source gave me was that being here on Earth, was more than enough for the Universe to love me. All of the sudden, I had no longer need to prove myself to the Universe, others, and myself. I felt the closest to myself and Source I had ever been before, and still, I continue to bring that into my daily life. Lisa’s courses helped me learn to simply be. More importantly to me, to be love. Her soul is full of so much purity and love. She always makes sure you are doing your best, while making you feel so peaceful and loved doing so. If you are ever interested or questioning if you should join her courses…….DO IT! It is a life changing experience, and I will forever carry it in my heart.”

Sydney Rudd

“Lisa is one of the most spiritually genuine souls I’ve had the pleasure to interact with. In the time I’ve worked with her, I’ve grown more aware of my own energy and the impact that has in every aspect of my life. I’m forever grateful for the love and healing Lisa provides.”

Rhonda Russell

“Working with Lisa is like a breath of fresh air. Her compassion is evident on first meeting her and she sets you at ease, making it easy to be receptive to her healing. In our session, she uncovered things that she only could have known with an honest connection to Spirit. After the chakra balancing, I felt immediately energized and had a lot of clarity of mind. Some of my body aches and pains that had been persistent were gone. That night, I also slept deeper and more fully than I have in months. Lisa is a true Healer. I cannot wait to continue my work with her and uncover more of my purpose.”

Jordan Paulus


“Had an awesome experience with Lisa! She has a gentle power, deep insight, and created an open compassionate space for me to be in during the work. I left feeling light, grounded, and re-affirmed in my self. Thank you Lisa!”

Megan Gallant


“Lisa is an amazing healer. Her channeling sessions and chakra work blew me away, a powerful and true oracle. If you are looking for healing and transformation for your spirit, mind, and body, I highly recommend you schedule an appointment with Lisa. Thanks for doing this work Lisa.”

Paul Lindholm


“I really have no actual words for the love and respect I have for Lisa, and how thankful I am that she reached out to me back in December. While I am the one that has to do the work and I have the tools, it was Lisa’s beautiful light that shined on them so I can pick it up. And while I still, and will always probably have bad days, they seem a little less dark from what she has shown me to help see things for myself in a different light. On my path of healing, Lisa is a great mentor, teacher and friend.”

Stephanie Orton


“SPOT ON! All I need to say. Great energy, high integrity!”

David Drimmel


“Lisa is a very gifted and compassionate healer. Her sessions always leave me feeling very peaceful and grounded as she expertly guides her clients to deeper levels of ease, self-awareness and transformation. Thank you Lisa!”

Bob Lavendusky


“Lisa is AMAZING! Everything we worked on in my half wheel energy healing session was so helpful and spot-on perfect for improving me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Lisa is a very special healer and human, and I feel so lucky to have her in my life. If you feel called to have a session with her, definitely trust your instinct. She is fantastic!!!”

Dr. Jamie McCormick


“Lisa’s work is the real deal. I wasn’t sure what to expect from my first session with Lisa, but any expectation I had was surpassed and then some! I loved the sequence and flow of the session, it really allowed me to settle in and relax. Once we began, I knew this was unlike anything I had experienced before. The intuitive accuracy, clarity, the visceral responses and deep sensations I could feel throughout my being cast aside any uncertainty I came with. I am grateful to have been introduced to her work and I look forward to future sessions to come!”

Lucas James Martindale


“Lisa is the real deal! Each time I see Lisa, I’m absolutely blown away by what she has to tell me and amazed at her ability to be a clean slate for the supremely powerful messages I’m meant to hear at that point in my life. Her discernment, sensitivity and compassion in her work allow me to feel safe in the process and receive fully with heart and mind the truth of what’s coming through. I always leave her sessions feeling lighter – almost giddy – and more clear and focused on the next step. I’m EXTREMELY grateful that Spirit has chosen her to bring this important transformative work into the world. Thank you Lisa for being of healing service in such a humble yet passionate way.”

Lyndsie Coon


“Lisa has such a gentle approach to tapping into your body and spirit. With grace and wisdom she offers a safe space for healing and awareness. Her services are tailored to the individual. She has clearly dedicated a lot of time and energy into harvesting from many modalities and the delivery in which she offers them is powerful and unique. Thank you for being you Lisa!”

Becca S.


“LIFE CHANGING! Lisa is the most amazing healing arts professional Ive ever encountered. Her gentle touch both physically and emotionally really has no words to describe. Her gifts are going to change the world and her smile, insight and intuition will change YOURS! Her connection to the soul is truly divine.”

John Zarbock


“I am grateful for the opportunity to receive chakra healing from Lisa and I was compelled to share my experience. It was a stormy night with concerns for hail and high winds, lightening even struck all around the city. Somehow I wasn’t the slightest bit distracted in fact I’ve never felt more calm within a storm and even felt a stronger connection to the healing power of Mother Nature. Before I arrived I knew my chakras were out of balance; feeling the energy from the heart up but blocked all the way down. Shortly into our healing session I could feel the energy moving, shifting, releasing tension. A sensation I have never experienced. Her intuitive gifts really helped me see how, why, and where I was blocked. It made me appreciate the chakras that were open & active compensating for the blocks. I left feeling grounded, stronger & more at peace with my spiritual and energetic body. I still feel the affects & it allowed me to be more open for further healing through other modalities. It gave me the strength to just let go, to trust, to accept myself and realize my gifts, even the blocks were gifts of protection. With Lisa’s compassionate energy I was able to release the blocks of protection that were no longer serving my greater good. I am committed to having this chakra cleanse 4 times a year as a way of reviving this state of balance.

“As we explore the aura and the chakras, it is important for us to view our journey not as revolutionary, but rather as very traditional. Chakras, as well as auras and electromagnetic fields, are as old as the earth itself. The chakra system, in fact, is a part of the ancient and lost mysteries. And, in the end, the chakra system in our bodies is how we find our way back to the most ancient mystery of all – God, the Oneness, the Omniscient.” Rosalyn L. Bruyere in Wheels of Healing Light

I posted the quote above because while I’m a light Yogi of the hippie philosophy I never really understood the chakras as in depth as I might have liked. After attending one of Lisa’s chakra workshops I knew I needed to experience a cleansing. Now I feel like I truly have an understanding of my spiritual and energetic body; even further knowing how my emotions & physical body are affected by these wheels of healing light. My chakras are no longer a mystery…I feel very in touch with them and have found my Oneness.

If you’ve thought about adding a chakra cleanse to your self-care routine I affirm that it may be one of the most healing experiences one could imagine. Arrive with an open mind and heart and let this Goddess guide you.”

Carie Cave



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