June Newsletter

Yay it’s SUMMER! This time of year takes me back to when I was a kid. Running around outside on the farm, riding my bike and jumping on the trampoline, and going swimming at the pool. Anything I could do to get outside and have fun with my friends!

And not much has changed, I still love all those things, and fully believe in the power of getting the body active to move stuck and hurting energy!

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of physical movement, lots of walks and yoga and a little swimming, and it feels dang good. Getting the body active is especially key when challenges arise and life get’s difficult. I’ve had a pretty big life upset recently that has left my head spinning, heart hurting and energy frantic. Feeling like I didn’t have a solid leg to stand on, I had to get serious about taking care of myself.

Getting outside, having the sun shine down upon me, breathing in fresh air and hanging out in the trees helps me find calm, clarity, and grounding. I’ve been asking Spirit daily for strength, self-love and peace; and it comes in waves. I’m learning that no emotion or feeling lasts forever, and that radical self-care and love is the best way to take care of myself in such times of despair.

May we all come to know our deepest needs, find strength in our darkest hours, and give love to ourselves unabashedly.

Aho lovelies ~

Upcoming & Reoccurring Events
*Intro to the Chakra’s Workshop: Saturday, June 24th from 12-6pm. $80

*Goddess Weekend: Nourishing & Loving Your Body. Saturday, July 15 & 16 @ Karma Tribe Yoga. Contact me for details.

*Deep Stretch + Chakra Balancing Meditation: Sunday Evenings 6-730pm @ Karma Tribe Yoga.

To stay up to date on my events, check out the new Events page on my website: lisalola.net/events

Contact me at lisa@lisalola.net for questions or concerns.
