March Newsletter

Hello Beloveds,

I have been back in KC for 4 weeks now and I’m finally feeling like I’m settling into life back here stateside, after living in Mexico on or by the ocean for 5 weeks. There has been much to process and integrate. There was a lot of excitement, new experiences, and teachings to take in while leading two Spiritual Healing Retreats abroad, and from what I am seeing and experiencing happening on a collective scale.

The planet is changing and people are waking up. Humans are becoming more inquisitive of their Spiritual nature and considerate of their energy. It’s no longer being labeled a “woo-woo” only thing by the masses. I’m seeing anti-woo-woo people suck back their previously judgmental words and swallow them. Their view is widening. Truth is being sought and known.

What I witnessed in my retreat participants is that they were open, ready, and willing to live a more Spiritually-aligned life. Opposed to the way of life they’d internalized, typically based off fear. I would watch them receive intuitive direction or downloads from their Higher Selves, nature, or each other, and take action on it immediately. Doing any work necessary to clear the old programs and release blockages. They practiced full trust and deep surrender throughout the entire retreat. It was extremely powerful to watch and is what I feel called to share with you most in my March Newsletter today: The power of calling on Spirit as the GPS to navigate your life. 

How do I do this? When I look at a person who comes to work with me in a session, I open my sight and awareness to not just see their physical-selves, but to take in and be aware of all the things in the non-physical form as well to get a fuller picture. This can feel like widening the landscape from which I’m my looking, softening my eyes, and feeling into the energy coming through from a source beyond me – beyond my ego’s needs or agenda. I call on Spirit to make me a vessel of thy work and through the power of intention, I state the person/place/thing I’d like to receive guidance on. I begin making myself a container to allow Spirit to work through me, and open my sensing pathways to let the information flow. I then do my best to step my ego back (the part of me that wants to judge, figure something out, or fix something, and comes from a place of survival) and trust what’s coming through. 

I get so excited when I see others in the world starting to live more from these God-given intuitive senses we all have. The power of Spirit is literally just a prayer away, and what I so enjoyed learning and experiencing in Mexico for those 5 weeks is that when a prayer is asked, it is typically answered within 5 minutes. I SAID 5 MINUTES YAWL!!!! Take this story for example:

I’m at the beautiful Tulum beach one day – and this is by far, the most beautiful beach I’ve ever been too, hence my repeat visits – and I’m swimming in the ocean, basking on a beach bag chair, drinking fresh pineapple juice, reading my book, just absolutely lost in dream-flow land. And I suddenly realize the time, I need to go. I have a Zoom call I need to take back at my villa at 5pm. I start to scurry and grab my things and start fast-walking to where I’d parked my bike, which was a 20 minute walk away. I started to panic a little bit and that old narrative started up in my head. “Gosh dangit Lisa, you did it again. You’re going to be late! What is this thing you have with being on time? Why is it so hard for you??” Then I remember, wait a minute. There is no need to worry or be anxious. I have so much help and support all around me. I’ll just call on Spirit to bring me someone who is safe to give me a ride this short distance to my bike and then I know I’ll be able to make the call on time. 

I proceeded to send out a prayer asking for such, and my Spirit guides said okay, just stay present and aware. The ride is coming. I continued to walk and wait a few minutes and asked my guides to tell me when the car was coming so I wouldn’t be worried I was missing my ride as other cars drove by. In the next minute I heard my guides tell me to turn and see the next vehicle coming. It was an old, worn out black jeep, and they said, “here’s your ride.” I put my thumb out – something I’ve never done and felt a little apprehensive about so I checked in with my guides again to ensure this was a safe move and they assured me yes, so mom if you’re reading this don’t be worried! The jeep pulled over and it all felt right so I hopped in, asked if he could drive me the short distance to my bike and off we went. I made it to my bike safely and home in time to rinse off the sand and make the call with a few minutes to spare. 

What amazed me about this experience was how present, ready and wanting my Spirit guides were there to support me. Once I remembered that anxiety doesn’t get me anywhere more quickly or safely, and that I have a choice to change the channel from fear to love, I was literally taken care of in 5 minutes. The changing the channel is an essential and important peace. Most of us don’t even realize we have a choice in which frequency we’re dialed into, but we do. When we’re tuned to the dial of fear, it’s EXTREMELY difficult to receive messages or feel connected to Spirit at all. Returning to love opens the door to receive. I continued to practice this consistently on my trip and it literally blew my mind at every step or turn, I was being taken care of in some way, and often all I had to do was remember to ask. 

Living in this way is SO MUCH MORE FUN too! When I play the game, “let’s see how taken care of I am” I experience a life filled with so much flow, ease, joy, and laughter. Yes, Spirit has jokes, they like to laugh too! I notice that when I’m traveling I have more opportunity to use my intuitive senses since I don’t know my way around. I especially experience this in places where I don’t speak the native tongue, where there isn’t an option to connect through spoken words. During this trip, I noticed my connection to Spirit got even stronger and clarified.

The power of prayer is a lost art. I recall another day I was walking home from the beach in Cozumel and I was having a really hard day. I’d had a lot of deep fear activated that afternoon and I was utterly lost in it. As I slowly walked home, one of my guides, who is my father, was finally able to poke through the fear. “Hey, remember me?!” He was saying, “remember how I’m here and how you have this whole council of ancestors and guides watching out for you? Call on us.” And so I did, dropping out of the fear cycle long enough to send out a prayer. Immediately after I thought, well that’s probably not going to work. That was pretty lackluster, I wasn’t very clear and didn’t try very hard. (More fear Fear FEAR!) But guess what. Within 5 minutes I’m walking by this couple and they have this super sweet small dog – which if you’ve ever met or seen my 2 little fur babies you know I’m a sucker for small dogs 😉 and I’m drawn into the dog. I also feel the couple curious about me in the state I was in. I came in slowly to connect with the dog and the man said, “So, how’s your day going today?” I was hesitant about what to say, not feeling super comfortable to divulge much, but as conversation went on I began allowing bits about having a hard day out of me, and they met me with kindness in their listening. They continued chatting me up for a while, I could tell they were trying to to help me, as a way of showing support. Towards the end of the convo the man said, “You know it’s so weird, I never ask people how their day is going. I have no idea what made me want to say that to you.” I replied, “I do.” 🙂 

Again, the power of Spirit to show up through animals, people, cars, songs, numbers, you name it. As the outside world gets crazier and filled with greater amounts of chaos, drama, and intensity, I have found solace in Spirit. 

You can live this way too. This is not a special gift for me. All human beings are built with a knowing and as you look behind any person, you see an order of ancestors lining up behind them that are just waiting to carry them in Grace. However the Spirit realm can’t act unless we ask. These are the gifts God has granted us from love. I often hear clients talk about how they don’t feel like they have access to Spirit, they don’t know how, they’re scared, they don’t truly believe they’re worthy of God’s love. This is one of the biggest wounds across humanity. To be living in a world where God has been made into something to be fearful of, who wants to punish us if we make a mistake, who casts out judgement of right and wrong, who we have to be worthy of some unattainable metric to be loved. This is Spiritual warfare and we all most move through these fear-laden beliefs to return to the Truth. 

God is love. You are love. You come from love. This is not a dualistic Universe. We are here to remember what love is, and we often learn this by seeing and naming what it is not. 

Much love to you beloveds on your Spiritual journey. If you’d like to connect with your guides, learn more about how to walk a Spiritual path and need support in doing so, you may book a 1:1 here.

If you’d like to learn How to Channel yourself, please see the link below for my Healer’s Level 1 class where I teach you how to connect to Source and receive channeled messages and wisdom. If you’ve taken Level 1 and would like to go further and deeper in your channeling abilities, Healer’s Level 2 Advanced Channeling is next weekend March 25 & 26. In this class we will sharpen your psychic awareness and build your confidence in channeling and giving readings. Feel free to respond to this email with inquiries. 

Aho to the most high working within me and through me. May this be a vessel for thy healing.