Updated on August 5, 2017
1st Intro to the Chakras Workshop, Success!

Introduction to the Chakras Workshop!
Last Saturday I had the opportunity to carry out a vision I’ve had since starting Lisa Lola Healing Arts last year, and that was to lead a workshop. It was “Introduction to the Chakras.” This class provided information on the basics of the chakra energy anatomy, it’s physical, psychological, and physiological association, along with some chakra Q&A to help participants get to know their own chakras, finishing with a chakra balancing meditation.
The day couldn’t have gone better. I was prepared, feeling extremely enthusiastic and confident, even my horoscope told me this was a day to put myself out their and share my vision with the world. I was excited and ready!
What I experienced during and after the workshop has been nothing short of extraordinary. I experienced a state of flow throughout the 3 hour class, a very strong confidence and knowing within myself that was extremely reassuring, and have received numerous forms of complimentary and positive feedback from participants, along with booking new clients. SUCCESS!

Workshop Participants
The class flowed extremely well. Participants were engaged and asked many questions. I shared of my own vulnerable life experiences, challenges and downright struggles, creating a safe container for participants to open up themselves. What I continue to find is, sharing our own story is extremely important. Showing our own vulnerability humanizes the leader, makes them relatable to the viewers, and provides examples participants can identify with.
I left the workshop feeling extremely fulfilled, impactful and purposeful in my work, connected to others, and inspired to do more, be more of myself, share more of myself, and create more of my work!
That being said, due to the extended interest in the class, I will be holding another Introduction to the Chakras workshop, along with some other exciting events and classes to come! Stay tuned to my blog, newsletter, and Facebook Page for details!

Chakra Energy Anatomy
Love & Light,