Updated on March 18, 2020
March Newsletter
Dear Beloveds,
I write to you from my heart at this time. We are at an interesting place in evolution. A place I’ve never been before and have no idea how to conduct myself in. A container I haven’t experienced in this lifetime, and I have found myself very uncertain this week. I can feel the collective fear of humanity from across the world and it has shaken me.
Upon arriving home last week from 2 weeks of jungle life in Costa Rica, I couldn’t be bothered by the pandemic of the Corona Virus. It wasn’t on my radar and after living in wild + plant life for so long, my energy field felt free and open, expansive and clear. I was in tune with Universal laws as my truth. That I am always being taken care of. That Life loves and supports me. That there is more than enough to go around. That there’s nothing to be afraid of, that energy is just moving through space as it always does, and at this time, it happens to be a thing called CoVid 19. I felt totally neutral about the whole situation – including the stock market tanking. All was well in the world.
Then, I started listening to the news more. I began speaking with people who were alarmed. I received YouTube links from friends on the CDC. I received sudden news of a family member dying… and my nervous system began to become unsettled. The internal feeling in my core was edgy, my head was spinning. I was no longer in my center, I had gotten swept up into the chaos of the collective energy.
This is, by no one’s fault either. Us human’s are on a journey of learning how to stay connected to our truth and that is the one Universal Truth for us all, and that is Love. That love is the way, the how, the when, the answer.
As I sat in meditation this morning, I tuned myself into the quantum field, where everything exists and lives as possibility. I let myself expand and felt my dense particles of fear return to waves of potential. Ahhh, there I am. There’s my truth. I saw my awareness move above me and I asked my guides for support. To return me back home to myself. After hanging out in the field for a while, I felt an enormous amount of love come back into my heart and I finally felt ready to write this email to you.
I have agonized over what I wanted to say in my March newsletter. When I first got home I was pumped to write it and share “all the things” Costa Rica from my trip. But as time went on and I didn’t get to it, I began to feel less inspired. I tried writing it and put it down. Wrote a version Monday, nah that’s not it. Wrote another one yesterday, nope, not you either. Finally this morning, after doing the work I needed to do to return to my heart, I was ready.
I want to say also that I know this Virus is a real thing and needs a certain amount of our attention so we can stay informed and make responsible choices for ourselves and our brothers and sisters of this world. That it is important that we follow the guidelines provided by our federal and local governments and that we take extra care and precautions at this time.
That we must do what we can, but also know that we can only control our own actions and that it is in our best interest to yes remain aware, but to also maintain some distance from all the energy that accompanies the Corona Virus. That includes how much media we’re allowing into our senses. Remember that the media also promotes panic to sell pills and on and on. Because as I saw this morning, I had allowed other people’s opinions and voices to take over my own, and it was very easy to do. The gross amount of fear that this pandemic is producing is palpable, and that’s where overwhelm and stress come in – which is a breeding ground to contract the virus itself.
In case you aren’t aware, fear weakens the immune system for 6 hours – 6 hours! Which makes us much more available to catch the virus. So the way I see it, the best thing we can do for ourselves is keep our energy up. Move your body, put on some music and shake when you start to feel that heavy feeling in your heart. Phone a friend, consult your pets or plants.
And if you’d like extra support to assist you in managing these uncertain times,
I am offering 20% off Virtual 60 Minute Energy Healing and Energy Processing sessions where you can let it all out and be held, seen, and heard. We’ll connect to the quantum and reinforce Universal truth to return your energy body to homeostasis and love. To schedule click my Calendly link HERE.
This offer will be in effect until April 18th and sessions are to be used between now and then. This may also shift in response to how CoVid takes form.
PS: My Chakra Basics workshop scheduled for this Saturday, March 21st has moved online! It’s the perfect time to connect to your energy body and learn about how you manifest your frequency. Click link below to register 🙂
All my love,