September Newsletter

Dear Beloveds,

I’m embarking upon another solar year as I look to celebrate the day I was born at the end of this week, some 12,775 days ago! (I’ll let you calculate how many years that is 😉

At this point in my life, I feel really blessed, and also, still pretty stressed. Stressed more than I’d like to admit, as I’m still figuring out how to run a business, manage the high amounts of creative desire I have, keep myself healthy, and maintain the level of relationships that truly feed my soul.

I wish I was at that point where I could say, “I’m too blessed to be stressed” but I’m not there yet. Currently I’m in the midst of really looking at what’s my true Yes and how do I lovingly say, No.

From the beginning, I’ve been very fortunate to have success in my work. But no one really talks about how to manage everything that comes along with it. All the desires and requests from the outside world are exhausting if I’m not keeping my agreements with myself in what keeps me healthy, and holding clear boundaries of No to what just isn’t resonating.

I see that if I stay in reality, the answers are clear. They are typically my first instinct, but feelings of guilt often trickle in, where I make myself wrong and put others needs before my own. When we are feeling stuck, it’s not because of anything happening in reality, stuckness is created in the mind of shoulds and should nots. The mind gets stuck because it thinks things should be different. We should feel differently than we do and offer more than what’s naturally there.

Finding that key point of resonance within my body is the sweet nectar to all my questions. What feels good? Is the ongoing inquiry, and the answer cannot be made up, it’s just what arises from pure authenticity.

So as I embark upon 12,775 days, and am “middle aged” by some statistics viewpoints, I ask myself for the love of the Goddess herself Lisa, what feels good to you?

Can we please just try that on for a while?

This is my prayer and intention for these next 365 days. If you’re reading this and see me, I dare you to ask me how it’s going ;p

Happy Birthday to little, medium, and big me !!

In celebration,
